1. Mission
To respond to the global market with value-added transport solutions and services that contribute to customer satisfaction and loyalty.
2. Vision
To make Transnautica one of the best companies in Portugal in national and international land, sea and air transport, as well as logistics operations and cross-docking and distribution
3. Values
Diligence and Professionalism in process management, using the available resources and making it possible to achieve the planned results efficiently.
Business ethics, achieving market recognition for the quality of our services and having our name respected for its effectiveness and reliability.
Competence of our staff, improving their skills and motivation and creating a stimulating internal environment through constant personal and professional training.
Safety and security of people and goods, based on the efficient use of resources suited to the service provided.
4. Quality
Quality in the provision of services in strict accordance with our compliance obligations and the commitments made, making it possible to continuously improve the Integrated Management system with a view to improving our performance.
5. Environmente
We recognise that the environment is of significant importance, particularly in the social and economic process and people's quality of life, and are committed to managing any environmental issues related to our activities as an integral part of the business and the existing management system, undertaking to:
- Assure strict observance of our compliance obligations;
- Promote the existence of an environmentally friendly culture among our employees and optimise our activities, adopting environmental protection and pollution prevention policies;
- Take steps to minimise risks to employees, the community and the environment arising from emergency situations and being prepared to respond to these;
- Minimise the environmental impacts caused by our business, adapting practices that will make it possible to reduce consumption of energy resources and the efficient and sustainable use of natural resources.
6. Social Conditions/Occupational Health and Safety
Transnautica understands that Occupational Health and Safety is fundamental to the success of the company.
Transnautica respects fundamental human rights and treats its employees fairly and with respect, focusing on a clean, safe working environment. Bearing this principle in mind, Transnautica undertakes responsibility for:
- Ensuring the health and safety conditions for its employees that will allow them to work in accordance with the approved procedures for the jobs they do;
- Complying with occupational health and safety legislation and standards;
- Dealing correctly with the professionals working for it and demanding exactly the same from the staff in leadership positions. Any observation or reprimand must be made in private in order to maintain the dignity of the employee;
- Striving to maintain a good internal working environment, one that encourages the sharing of ideas, knowledge
Transnautica therefore undertakes to constantly reinforce the safety culture in the company, providing appropriate resources for:
- Encouraging and motivating its employees to engage in safe behaviour and to identify and report all risk situations;
- Undertaking a commitment to continuous improvements in safety at the company;
- Ensuring compliance with the legislation, regulations and requirements in force, as well as other standards adhered to voluntarily and applicable to its business, facilities and equipment;
- Encouraging accident prevention using the best know-how available to eliminate dangers and reduce occupational health and safety risks as far as possible;
- Analysing accidents or incidents that occur in order to determine their causes, with the aim of improving working conditions;
- Organising, developing and coordinating activities, providing safe and healthy working conditions to ensure the prevention of harm or injury to its employees;
- Involving the employees in consultations and participation in matters of occupational health and safety;
- Promoting training and informing all employees and interested parties in terms of reinforcing the safety culture.